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Research Article

Technological innovations and their impact on entrepreneurship: A case study of Jedubik game


  • Zahra Aliasghari
  • Mehdi Farzpourmachiani
  • Snjezana Baroness Rajacic


In today’s world, innovation is recognized as a powerful driver of economic growth and job creation. Video games, as one of the emerging industries, play a significant role in fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. This study investigates the impact of technological innovations on entrepreneurship, focusing on the case study of the game “Jedubik.” “Jedubik” is an exciting and innovative game that has gained international recognition for its unique design, earning prestigious awards. The research examines the influence of innovation on entrepreneurship with a specific focus on “Jedubik.” The findings indicate that the innovative features of this game, including its distinctive design and unique capabilities, have significantly contributed to the growth of entrepreneurship in the video game industry. Data analysis reveals that product, process, and market innovation directly correlate with increased entrepreneurship. Additionally, this research demonstrates that “Jedubik,” as a model, can inspire other innovators and entrepreneurs. Ultimately, the study highlights the importance of supporting technological innovations to drive economic development and create new job opportunities. The findings suggest that technological innovations, particularly in the video game sector, can play a crucial role in stimulating entrepreneurship and economic growth. “Jedubik,” as a successful example, showcases how innovation can lead to the creation of new businesses and job opportunities. Therefore, fostering technological innovation and creating an enabling environment for entrepreneurship growth is of paramount importance.

Aliasghari Z, Farzpourmachiani M, Baroness Rajacic S. Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Video Games, Jedubik, Case Study. Technological innovations and their impact on entrepreneurship: A case study of Jedubik game. Tubittum. 2024; 3(4): 730-746.


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