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Research Article

Entrepreneurship in health tourism in Iran


  • Abbas Ahmadimachiani
  • Mehdi Farzpourmachiani
  • Mehrdad Fojlaley
  • Snjezana Baroness Rajacic



Entrepreneurship is the ability and readiness to start, organize, and continue a business with any uncertainties to make a relatively sustainable profit. Depending on the capacities of some countries, health tourism could become important making money in the tourism economy and has cultural and national interests in Iran.  As a result, it is possible to identify health tourism entrepreneurship as a significant driver of employment and revenue creation in Iran that is crucial to the nation’s long-term growth.  Using herbs and medicinal plants has gained a lot of attention in the last few decades. In this study, we looked into how entrepreneurship affects health tourism and how it contributes to Iran’s sustainable development.

Ahmadimachiani A, Farzpourmachiani M, Fojlaley M, Baroness Rajacic S. Entrepreneurship in health tourism in Iran. Tubittum. 2024; 3(3): 628-634.


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