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Research Article

Entrepreneurship and environment


  • Masoud Ramezani Vajargah
  • Mehdi Farzpourmachiani
  • Mehrdad Fojlaley
  • Snjezana Baroness Rajacic



This research emphasizes the key role of entrepreneurship in facing environmental crises caused by market inefficiencies.

By reviewing the literature related to environmental economics and entrepreneurship, this paper shows that market failures in the field of environment are not only a threat to the sustainability of the planet, but also create unique opportunities for innovation and sustainable businesses.

Entrepreneurs by identifying and exploiting these opportunities, can develop new products, services and business models that both respond to economic needs and help preserve the environment.

The concepts of sustainable and environmental entrepreneurship have been examined in this research and it has been shown how entrepreneurs can contribute to sustainable development by creating common economic, social and environmental values.

Finally, this article presents a comprehensive theoretical framework.

It shows how entrepreneurship can act as a driver of innovation and economic growth in other industries beyond the environment.

This framework can be used as a useful tool for researchers and policy makers to develop policies to support sustainable entrepreneurship.


Ramezani Vajargah M, Farzpourmachiani M, Fojlaley M, Baroness Rajacic S.  Entrepreneurship and environment. Tubittum. 2024; 3(2): 588-607.


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